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Environmental Protection
Environmental Protection
This important sector includes numerous industries wherever there is a need to protect the environment from contamination. Typical uses for our solutions include; landfills, agricultural works, storm water attenuation areas, storage ponds and leachate lagoons in mine works.

Client trust.

Our clients want reassurance that the systems are high-quality and robust; they rely upon our solutions to prevent environmental contamination in landfills or collect precious leachates in mines.

Meeting client-specific goals. From our broad portfolio, we combine our products into systems, optimised to meet client requirements. Furthermore, with a flexible and extensive manufacturing capability, we can customise products to suit specific projects.

Protecting you from pollution We have significant experience in the development of integrated designs for the containment or protection of polluted facilities or areas. Our capability is based upon our experience in waterproofing, drainage systems and an extensive existing knowledge of geotechnical stability applications.

Our depth of experience. Experience gained over countless projects has led to numerous innovations such as specific geogrids reinforcing waste material.

Containing, draining and saving with ‘DK’ innovations. Our impermeable liners contain, cap and protect pollution from contained waste material; drainage geocomposites drain fluids or detect leaks (liquids or gases) from landfills and limits erosion from the slopes of these installations.

Reinforcing the landfill, mining and agriculture industries Where space is at a premium, the use of geogrids to reinforce soil enables the steepening of slopes within landfill cells, maximising the volume available for waste disposal. These solutions are not only used in landfills, but also in mining applications such as heap leach pads, or leachate lagoons. Attenuation ponds adjacent to highways or slurry lagoons within the agricultural industry are also areas where our systems are used.

Safe and cost-effective disposal. Finally, using dewatering, industrial, contaminated or dredged sludges and slurries can be pumped into. The tube walls filter the slurry from the fluid, which then drains out. Once the slurry has dried, it can be disposed of far more safely and cost-effectively than wet slurried material.